What funeral plans can I choose from at Ashley Edwards?

What Funeral Plans Can I Choose From At Ashley Edwards?

Want to plan your own funeral in advance? Here’s how we can help.

Taking out a funeral plan is a great way to put your mind at ease, and you can relax knowing that everything has been planned well in advance.

Not only do they give you the peace of mind that everything has already been planned and paid for, but they also put you in control of your own arrangements and are the best option if you’re looking to beat the ever-rising funeral costs.

In this post, we take a look at the funeral plans on offer here at Ashley Edwards Funeral Directors, the differences, and which one would be best for you.

The Southwold

From just £3450, The Southwold Golden Charter funeral plan is perfect if you require:

  • Conveyance of the deceased from their place of death
  • Assistance with preparing and tending to documentation
  • Help with making the arrangements in our office
  • Support with making and receiving necessary telephone calls
  • Help placing obituary notices and receiving floral tributes

With this funeral plan, you’ll be provided with a simple, veneered coffin in Oak, Elm or Mahogany, complete with taffeta side set and gowns, and a hearse to travel directly to the crematorium or cemetery.

4 bearers and a funeral director will be with you on the day of the funeral, and we can provide one or more limousines if you need them.

You’ll have access to our online tribute page for donations, gift aid and condolence messages, as well as 24-hour, 365 days a year telephone assistance and support from our expert funeral directors.

The Southwold, like many of our other funeral plans, includes ministers, cremation and doctors’ fees – so you won’t have to worry about paying for these separately.

The Eddystone

Starting from £3580, you will benefit from The Eddystone plan here at Ashley Edwards if you need:

  • Conveyance of the dead from their place of death (within 35 miles)
  • Assistance with preparing and tending to documentation
  • Help with making the arrangements, either in our office or in the comfort of your own home
  • Support with making and receiving necessary telephone calls
  • Help placing obituary notices and receiving floral tributes

Again, with this plan, you’ll be provided with an Oak, Elm or Mahogany coffin with a satin side set or gown. Alternatively, your loved one can be covered in their own bedclothes, if you prefer.

A hearse and one limousine will travel from a local address to the church, crematorium or cemetery.

4 bearers and one of our funeral directors will be with you on the day, and you’ll have access to our online tribute page for donations, gift aid and condolence messages.

The Longstone

Starting from £3480, The Longstone includes the same support and assistance (with documentation, conveyance of the body, making funeral arrangements, etc) as our other Golden Charter funeral plans.

With this one though, you’ll receive 50 printed orders of service, as well as a Somerset grown woven Willow coffin, complete with satin side set and gown. Alternatively, your loved one can be covered in their own bedclothes, if you prefer.

Again, we’ll provide a hearse and one limousine (with more available if required) from a local address to the church, crematorium or cemetery where the funeral will take place.

You’ll also be able to use our online tributes page for donations, gift aid and condolence messages, as well as our 24/7 telephone support service.

The Flamborough

The Flamborough, being one of our more expensive funeral plans, starts at £3990.

You’ll receive the support and guidance you would with our other plans, as well as 50 printed orders of service and a choice between our Oak, Elm or Mahogany veneered coffin or the hand-woven Willow coffin.

We’ll provide a hearse and two limousines from a local address to wherever the funeral will be held, and 4 bearers and a funeral director will be there on the day to support you.

Again, all fees (like doctors’, ministers and cremation fees) are all included in the cost.

Invest in a funeral plan with Ashley Edwards

If you’re considering planning ahead and would like to know more about our Golden Charter funeral plans, get in touch with our expert funeral directors here at Ashley Edwards.

Give us a call on 01278 794 304 or send your enquiry by email to info@ashleyedwards.co.uk for a speedy response from a member of our team – we’re always more than happy to assist you.

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