Our Funeral Services

Our experienced funeral directors are trained to the highest standard to ensure we offer you the best service. Over the years, we have always made sure that we offer a friendly, welcoming and supportive service to all our customers. For dignified and sensitive funeral services, contact our professional funeral directors.

Independent Funeral Directors

  • Free guidance and advice through the funeral process
  • Initial consultation at our office or in the comfort of your own home
  • Funeral service advice and options
  • Advice when selecting the right funeral for your requirements
  • Funeral cars, transport and procession arrangements
  • Private chapel of rest viewings
  • Memorial and headstone arrangements
  • Obituaries and announcements
  • Funeral flowers

Types of Funeral

In order to serve to each of the families that call upon us, we offer a few different types of funeral. Offering burials, cremations and green funerals ensure that we can provide the right service for you.

Providing our customers with a choice on their desired service means that we can tailor their funeral arrangements to their requirements. We can also offer funeral services that meet all religious beliefs as well as non-religious services.

Chapel of Rest

Our private chapel of rest provides you with the opportunity to spend some peaceful final moments with your loved ones. Viewings in our private chapels can be arranged in advance by calling our funeral directors directly on 01278 794304

Our private chapel is suitable for members of all religious and non-religious denominations and can be altered to suit your individual requirements. Friends and families of the deceased are welcome to visit our private chapel of rest during office hours on any day of the week. Simply call our office to arrange the most suitable time for you.

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